Hey, I'm a Frontend developer from Texas, living in San Antonio.

Right now I'm using Javascript, Node.js, React.js and Gatsby.js to design and hack nice websites together on the internet.

Have a project you'd like to discuss?

Let's chat maurice.flack@hotmail.com

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My biggest goal as an Front-end Developer is to never stop learning, and work on cool stuff. Here's a couple of things I'm good at:

Problem Solving

Math and problem solving are the things I enjoy the most. There are a ton of problems and a lot of numbers, starting a project involving data and a front-end, makes up a bunch of free time. Since I'm learning new frameworks and technology, using what I've learned to create a new tool or solve an everyday issue is exciting to me.


Being creative and solving a problem goes together like peanut butter and jelly. Although sometimes doesn't require to be creative and just needs a simple solution, but like all problems, there are more than 1 ways to solve a problem. Being about to find a new way to solve problem while learning about new technologies is what I look forward to everytime I start a new project.


Being in the customer service role for more than 10 years, I can easily say the most important part of resolving any issue is communication. It goes a long way to not only explain the process in a way the person can understand but also to address the emotional needs, to make sure that all issues are addressed. My communication is key to a better teamwork, better results, and finding better solutions.


Anyone can solve a problem with a given amount of time. However working together as a team, resolves the problem much more effienctly and accurately. Every job requires some sort of teamwork, and as a team player and sometimes a leader I am willing to make sure that not only is the job done, but to make sure we get the job done together.

These 4 skills are what lets me an Awesome Teammate eager and willing to learn anything interesting.

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Projects Page

Maurice Flack

Email: maurice.flack@hotmail.com

Phone Number: (210) 792-0032

Maurice Flack © 2019, Built with & Gatsby